FJB Then and Now
FJB started in November 1994 with about 30 concerned people who loved the beach. Today we are 5,100 individuals, families and businesses. Our founding members, Dick & Grete Fitzpatrick, John Turner, Vic Pisani, Barry Frank, Sandy & Anita Lankler, together put up a total of $1,500 “seed money” to buy the first bags, boxes, poles, brackets, fliers, etc. Other “friends” sent generous donations to help. Since that beginning, we have been supported by hundreds of donations from local people who use our beach as well as from people all over the country who have visited Jupiter and send us letters and checks thanking us for this special beach. We have never received public funding. We would, however, like to express our appreciation to the officials and the employees of the Town of Jupiter who make it possible for us to contribute and function happily in this beautiful Town. We would like to thank the many members of the Press & Media who have helped us along the way. We have done our best to give back to this community by caring for our beach.
Our volunteers have cleaned Jupiter Beach on the first Saturday of each month since November 1994. We used to think we were doing very well if 15 of us showed up. Today, 200 – 300 of us show up! Our schools are participating and we are teaching young people good citizenship by our example and their involvement. Local businesses and individuals are helping this effort with generous and enthusiastic support, making it possible for us to serve a beautiful breakfast under the Anita Lankler Pavilion at Ocean Cay Park following each cleanup. FJB donates 400,000 bags a year to keep our 29 boxes along the beach filled. And four FJB volunteers keep those boxes filled. Our Cleanup Captain sends our 10 Team Captains with their groups of volunteers out all along the beach from the Jetty to the Pier. We have FJB Ambassadors to educate dog owners on the dog-friendly beach rules; offer Community Service Hours to those who wish them; reach out to the Community and work with other like-spirited organizations. Palm Beach County recognizes us as an official Adopt-a-Park organization and the Solid Waste Authority recognizes us as their OFFICIAL Adopt-A-Spot group of this stretch of Jupiter Beach. We have an informational Web-site, our E-Newsletter goes out to our membership every month and we use social media for quick communication. We hear from other communities asking to copy our ideas. We have evolved into a group of energetic volunteers who enjoy giving and sharing and doing this “happy work”. Today, the very best thing we have to offer is a most talented group of leaders who have come together, become involved, and in so doing, are giving something truly unique back to this community.
In 2015, the Young Friends of Jupiter Beach was formed. This group is composed of middle and high school students. It is student led and teaches the next generations about good environmental stewardship.